Monday, November 28, 2016

This Week in the Lab - November 28-December 2

2nd Grade Google Earth Project - Students will use Google Earth to navigate the United States and explore various destinations located along the famed Route 66.  Students will also use virtual reality to get a more in-depth look at certain locations.

Kindergarten - Students will try Crayon Physics for the first time, practicing both mouse skills and problem solving.

1st Grade - Students will use Microsoft Word and continue typing and editing their fall acrostic poem.


Monday, November 14, 2016

This Week in the Lab - November 14-18, 21, 22

4th Grade - Programming Project

Students will be introduced to different programming languages and programs, including Logo, Scratch, and Sphero SPRK Lightning Lab.

Choice Day:
  1. Logo
  2. Scratch
  4. Code Monkey
  5. Code Combat


This Week in the Lab - November 14-18, 21, 22

4th Grade - Programming Project

Students will be introduced to different programming languages and programs, including Logo, Scratch, and Sphero SPRK Lightning Lab.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

This Week in the Lab - November 1-4,7,9

6th Grade Astronomy/Space Flight Project

Students will use Kerbal Space Program to apply astronomy concepts learned in science to a computer simulation.  Challenges include building multistage rockets, data collection, and successfully getting into orbit.