Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Minecraft Civilizations - Tuesday, 1/2

Answer the following using one comment.

1. Explain how you were able to build up your part of the civilization.
2. At this point, would you consider yourself a civilization? Why or why not?
3. How would you enhance (make better) your civilization?


  1. We collet gold and iron and stone.No i don't think they make a enough food and make pickaxe.
    It will look better with food and more food and more food and more food.

  2. I chopped some wood and put it in the wood chest. Yes I do consider myself as a civilization because we are working together and no one left behind. I mean what type of civilization does not do that? Hmmmm let me think about that question...... lets see... well I checked and I think every things doing great nothing needs to improve in my opinion except for getting lost maybe if someone gets lost we should have three people together as in a search party?

  3. My part was to craft things for my civilization.At this point I do not consider us a civilization yet because people are not being patient because were trying to make there stuff but they won't be patient about it.By people being patient then we can start a civilization.

  4. As a farmer our job is hard because we dont have much time. But our farm is great now we have tons of carrots,wheat, and potatoes. I wouldent consider us a civilization yet we need more animals and houses. to make us better we need houses and to meet up as a team. Evan Scholder

  5. I am a lumberjack. I collect wood for the other parts of the civilization to use. I consider this a civilization because everyone is doing their own part to help out. If all the houses were done and we got all the materials we needed that would help us make a better civilization.

    1. How would that make you a better civilization?

  6. I was able to build up the civilization by building up peoples house's and the market,church,art gallery, school,and many more.I would consider myself a civilization because now we are starting to get better and doing our normal jobs and we are working very hard on it.We would enhance our civilization by doing our jobs faster and working very hard and fast to build up our civilization.

  7. i am a lumber jack i chop wood from tree's.i like it so far and i wouldn't be considered in being a civilization because they don't have the things that we had back then and by doing what im sopposed to do.

  8. 1.) The crafter's definitely had a lot more work to do when Xavier and I put the doors,walls and roof on the crafter room.This made our job easy and organized with out any people interrupting.When people needed materials they just went to the other room and everything went great.The only problem was Anthony L. and Ryan breaking in and doing the crafter job themselves.
    2.) No, I would not consider us a civilization because even though the crafters work great together the other groups get mad at us for not "doing our job".The crafters get everything done as soon as its ordered ,but there just isn't enough materials.
    3.)If we were to make something better in our civilization I would say we need a lot more teamwork.

  9. 1. I was a builder so I did my part by building the houses, the temple, and I'm still working on the school. I still need a lot of blocks but so far I had to break the roof to make it even.
    2. Yes, I think we are a civilization. We have a steady food supply, a lot of buildings, a bunch of ores, and a good farm. Everybody has done a nice job.
    3. We could make our civilization a little better if we could get a little more advanced blocks such as bricks, ores, sandstone, and some neither stuff. Also if everybody wouldn't break into the craftsmen place so the craftsmen won't get distracted and do more crafting.

  10. I help collect ores for weapons,I do consider us to be a civilization because we have food and shelter,I can enhance are civilization by getting more food and getting more house.

  11. 1. my part is to craft things for every body except the farmers but so far i'm doing good for my part and yes i think we are a successful civilization because we got every body doing there part if we could make anything better we could get more wood,bricks,gold,iron,and diamonds

  12. I was able to build up my part of the civilization by planting different kind of seeds.I would consider myself a civilization because,I have everything in a civilization.I would enhance my civilization by planting more food for everyone.

  13. I am a miner. My job is to get materials, gold, iron, coal, and diamonds for example. Without miners our civilization would not be able to make tools and build buildings. I believe that we are a civilization even though we could do better. I mean, we have food, places to live, we have temples for our religion, all have jobs. the only thing we don't really have is a government, but we don't really need that on minecraft. We only need group captains. The only thing i would change about our civilization is our teamwork and being less selfish about food.

  14. I was able to build my part by supplying animal with food to they mate then eventually die to have food for our civilization. I would call us a civlization because we have a balanced community we have minors, builders,crafters,farmers etc. we all work together to make a civilization thats best for all of us. we could make it beeter by having more food supply and more crafters

  15. Brianna w.m Miner- I help gather wood and coal and return it to the chests. At this point we are not a civilization we have half built houses still issues with getting lost in the ravine we need more tools in a area where we can reach them. For example I died and i went to get a diamond pick axe and there were no more and sine I had died I didn't have any of my stuff that I gathered and it very difficult to try to find tools to help me with i had some help from my group and the crafters but still didn't get any tools and for the last 5 minutes i was trying search for tools. We could make our civilization better by getting our homes built faster sticking together in the ravine getting or tools in a area were we (Miners) can reach.

  16. I was able to help the civilization by crafting items for our civilization. No I would not consider a civilization. I won't because there is still some discord because people won't listen and keep coming in the crafting area. I would enhance our civilization by crafting tools,but we need more materials.

    1. Besides the lack of teamwork, would you say that you are a civilization?

  17. 1 I was able to build my part easily with team work and help from the craft people to help me.We all used each others help to succeed if it was not for everyone i would not be able to build my part.
    2 Yes i would consider my group a civilization because we are starting to stop fighting and get along . People are starting to stop doing ridiculous things that nobody should be doing. 3 I would have people stop fooling around because i just want to get things done. Also i could have more people to help with everything and it would make things run more smoothly and it would all together just be easier.

  18. I was able to built part of the civilization by helping as a rancher .I was also part of the civilization because I help everyone get food to eat from the animals. At this point I consider myself a civilization. I consider my self a civilization because we all work together and have our own job yust like a real civilization . I think the civilization will be better if everyone work together as a team to make the civilization better .

  19. The way I was able to build the thing i needed to is by.First i had to work with my team by asking for the supplies i most needed such as stairs.Also when I needed wood since I couldn't find my team,and I knew that they didn't have what i needed i went to supplies and was able to build the library with what I got.Next I don't believe were a civilization because of reasons such as.First no one in the community get along with each other and in a civilization your supposed to get along in order for things to go smooth.Also when you ask some one to do something you have to ask like ten times before you get it I think that if you really want to become a civilization you should provide for the others in your community.Finally in order to make the civilization better I'd. First get some one to be in order such as some one who could be held with as an authority figure.also I'd get some one to take note of what we have in order to keep everything in order. That is how I'd do it in order to help and get things straight.

  20. 1:I was able to help.The Reason why I was able to help was the I chopped the wood for the crafters.
    2:I would not consider us being a civilization because we do not have the things we need.We need a couple of pyramids,a church,a food storage,and a pales for the king/pharaoh
    3:I would add the couple of pyramids,a church,a food storage,and a palace for the king/pharaoh.I would not have the art museum they did not have them in the old day.They had statues and we don't.
    by Evan

  21. How was able to build up my part was the plants where growing faster so it made it easier to plant more crops,and it was easier to get food faster.I would consider all of us as a civilization because we have food workmanship the builders built schools homes departments the ranchers are breeding and getting food from animals the crafters are crafting stuff that we need and cooking our meat and foods,and us farmers are planting and growing crops and food for people so they aren't starving.If most of the farmers will stop messing around and focus that will be a big help in society but other than that they still do get the job done so its not that bad.

  22. I was able to be part of the civilization by been a rancher .I also was part of the civilization because I help get food to everyone from the animals .At this point I consider myself a civilization because everyone works and have their own job like a real civilization . I think the civilization will be better if there were more people because if there was more people the civilization will grow much faster.

  23. How i am able to build up my part of the civilisation is i am a lumber jack and the might crafter need wood to make stuff therefore that helps with what other people's jobs in our civilisation.Now to if i think we are a civilisation .I would say yes because we have food,shelter,wood,theirs lots of people we have jobs and it is very organized .Lastly how i could make the civilisation better is getting different types of wood and help people in my team.......when they get lost in the woods or jungle.

  24. I was able to build my part of being a farmer by planting crops and harvesting crops. I also was able to help the ranchers feed their animals. Yes I consider myself a civilization, because everyone has a job and they did their job really well. We have gotten better and faster at each of our job which is really keeping us surviving. I would make my civilization better by staying focused and working hard. Also helping each other when we need it the most. Every second counts.

  25. We were able to build a mechanism to keep people from getting inside our crafting area.But we might take it down when they learn to not come in.As far as us being a civilization were pretty good since we have houses and shelter.We could enhance it by maybe making it so every body had a chest where they kept all their supplies then at market time they bring useful stuff back.

  26. i am a farmer a i keep and provied food for everyone and animals in the ranch

    i consider myself a civilization because we work together to keep us alive

    we need to have a list of rules in the town hall or make a town hall and put rules in it

  27. 1:I was able to build up my civilization by breeding the animals, in order to take food and other materials to the market.
    2:at this point, I wouldn't consider myself a civilization because there are not enough cows to give food. The ranchers don't have anything to do unless feed animals, but other than that everyone else is doing well in their orders.
    3:I can make are civilization a better civilization by helping another part of the community if a certain group of people need help.

    1. Besides a lack of food, is there anything else your civilization would need to thrive?

  28. The way i built up my part in the civilizationwas trying to get different types of wood because i am a lumber jacker . i think we can call our selfs a civiltions because we work together. To make are civilitoins better we can probly can try not to mess with the stuff that we had made,or don’t take more than what you need. i think are civilition has improved. — Saniah

  29. I was able to build up my part by working harder and keeping the garden or farm situated. Yes I would say this is a civilization because we have food, storage, shelter, animals, and a church or temple. What more does a civilization need. I would enhance the civilization by adding more farmers to speed up the process and to get more food in the storage.

  30. I helped to build my part. We had two things to build. They were the art museum and the school. I built most of the school. I would consider us a civilization because we have all the materials we need to survive. Everyone is contributing and building up our civilization bit by bit. I think that to enhance our civilization, we should work in full cooperation. Whenever people ask for something, it should be given. This way, if we all work together, we can enhance our civilization.

    1. So, it seems like you believe that teamwork is essential to a civilization.

  31. I am a craftier, I am responsible for researching and attaining raw materials. Next I utilize the tools and materializes to create other things that we may need to survive. Lastly we give the objects to the teams.
    I consider us a civilization because we are working together to get things done and we are helping each other out we also have homes,tools, and food to survive. First,I will keep on working with my team.Second, me and my team will make rules when to keep and destroying the structural so we don't waste materializes,tools,and labor. Finally, we will continue to use materials to build on our civilization

  32. I was able to build my part of the civilization by using the seeds and supplies that were provided for the farmers. I would consider us a civilization because nobody has died of starvation. I would enhance our civilization by trying harder not to die. Samuel Austin

  33. One way I would enhance my civilization is by talking to the crafters about getting orders in faster because our orders never come in. Another thing is the Ranchers really need another cow because we can't mate the cows if there are only one.If we were to add more cows some how we would have leather and beef for the civization.

  34. 1. I was able to build my part in this civilization because my captain Evan Scholder he lead us what to do right in our civilization and give food to all the civilization so all of them have energy.
    2. I will consider myself a civilization because I like to help people that are hungry and keep them with energy so they can work hard int he civilization like the others people in our community.
    3. I will make better the civilization by supporting giving food so they can have energy to work in our civilization.

  35. We are building our part, which is crafting by communicating with other people and what they need. There are only three of us, so we have to split up each request and get it done. Say the builders need more wood, than we would have to go to the lumberjacks to get it for them. Order for this civilization to work, everybody needs to help out and that is what we did today.
    Yes I would consider us a civilization because we have the basics to survive and now we are focusing on a few more buildings, some more ore like gold and iron. We are working on food even though we have a good supply of that right now, but people could eat a lot and there would be none left. So I think we should be prepared for anything at any time. Also because we have a town hall and huts for each person. Even though each hut fits three people, so you don’t get it to yourself, but that is fine.
    We are doing pretty good, but we need some people to step up on getting there job done. The miners mess around and do everything else, but there job. We need them to step up and get us more ore and cobblestone. I would also say we need a little more organization in our civilization. People just run around messing things up, after people spent hard work on that.
    That is how i thing we built up our civilization, consider us a civilization, and how i think we could improve or make it better.

  36. i was able to build up my part of the civilization with a lot of hard work and working together with my teammates. yes i would consider it a civilization because we have a steady food supply and know one is breaking the rules. i would make my civilization better by trying to enforce some of the ranchers to kill some of their animals.

  37. I wasn't able to build up my civilization because i'm a miner. At this point i do consider us a civilization because everyone is working together to build up a big society. I would enhance our civilization by the builders making a temple and much more stuff.

  38. I was a crafter, and so I was helping out my community by providinging materials and tools, which are very important to beginning civilizations.

    I believe we are a civilization. They builders crated houses, stores, and a temple. Farmers have many types of crops. And ranchers have many animals.

    The civilization needs more organizational skills, and more helping out with each other.


  39. We fed the horses with golden apples so we could breed them. We had a lot of chickens,pigs and cows also. Yes I would consider us as a civilization because we have food to breed the animals and when we kill the cows we get theater. Also when we kill the pigs we get more food. Thats also how it works with the chickens, we kill them and then we get raw chicken. We could add more fences and we could breed them more often.

  40. I kept up with orders so everyone go what they needed when they needed it. Also crafters help the builders get their buildings done quicker. I would consider us a civilization because we have constant food supply and raw materials that everything runs smoothly and we have everything we need to be considered a civilization, buildings, people, jobs, food, etc. I would enhance the civilization by expanding closer to the water so we can make the farms bigger and have more rooms for structures. Nathan B.

    1. Great idea, location is important to a civilization's stability.

  41. I was able to help build our communtiny by getting ores and bringing it back to the civilzation. I would consider us a civilazation because we have eveything thing we need. Food,water,houses,and supplies. It would be better if we could get some more ores like diamonds,gold,redstone,lapis luise,and more iron

  42. We built up our part of the civilization because we did work and helped each other if they needed help. Yes because we have tons of food and we have a lot of houses for everyone.Our civilization can get better because we can get more crops growing in the farm so we can bread the animals to get pork chops,steak, and chicken.

    1. What kind of work did you do to help? Expand on your ideas a bit more.

  43. I was able to help the rest of the builders by working on my parts and everything else that needed to be done. At this point in time, i would consider us a civilization because of how good the town is coming to be. To make our civilization better, I think we (the builders) would need to build more houses so that more people would have separate room for themselves.

    1. What are some examples of how the town is developing?

  44. My part of the civilization was to be a lumber jack and we cut down the trees for the craftors to use in order to build certain items that are needed. I would consider us a civilization because we h ave food, a church, a farming system. All the things that make a civilization. Last but not least. i don't particullaraly think or know if there is anything that needs to be done or fixed.

  45. I was able to build up my part of the civilization because i was a rancher and i would sheer the sheep to get wool and then i would also dye the sheep and then sheer them to get colored wool. If i had a lot of sheep, i would kill some to get meat and then bring it to the market.I would consider our Minecraft world a civilization because we have food, shelter, and we are organized in a way that we all take part to build up the civilization. We could inhance our civilization by working faster and going to the market to put things there more often because sometimes when we need food but there is no food.

    1. Good thinking! Make sure you capitalize your "I's"!

  46. I was able to build up my part in the civilization, I am a minor so I am in charge of mining and getting all the ore the civilization needs. So we where able to find big and better ores that have more value and help everyone more. I would consider my community a civilization because we have a steady food and water supply, and we have shelter, and also we have social stricter we are all classified in are own job, for example I am a minor. The only thing that are civilization needs is communication, and team work.

    1. It seems like you have several characteristics of a civilization!

  47. We built a mechanism to keep every body out of the crating area.As far as us being a civilization we are pretty good because we have shelter and homes.We could enhance it by having a trade area where everybody can trade

  48. we were able to build up are civilization by building all our buildings up and get our houses but we need to furnish all of the houses. no becuase we still are needing to work better harder and faster our food supllies is not stable yet. we need to be able to get more blocks and decorate everything better

  49. 1. I was able to build up my part of the civilization because since my job was to keep the animals in the stable, I knew that in order to keep the animals there in their groups, then I needed some food. The animals are supposed to be kept where their groups are, and since that is my job, I have to know how to do it right. Without the animals, how will we be able to produce milk, cheese, and meat?
    2. I think that we are a civilization now because everyone is communicating more, making gold apples for the animals, and every group does their part.
    3. What we can do to make our civilization more official is to have more animals and for the fences to be a little bit higher where the animals are because the chickens can hop over the fence anytime. Also that we need to cooperate more with each other. THAT would really change everything!!!!!!

  50. I built up my part by getting wood.We are a civilization because we are organized.We can do better by getting more materials.

  51. I was able to build my part by helping out and planting all sorts of seeds and vegetables. We are a civilization because we have a stable supply of everything so our lives are turned easier than day 1. I would make my civilization better by work hard and get as much food as I can.

  52. I think we are becoming a civilization.We are becoming a civilization because we are all working hard and doing what we are supposed to do.We should make the buildings more uniuqe.

  53. I crafted materials for people.yes we have everything we need to be a city.we could expand the walls of the city -gianna

  54. 1. we worked together and helped each other
    2.yes because we have food and shelter
    3.we would use better blokes/materials

  55. The thing that I did to help was craft different thing for all the groups. I do believe that were a civilization because we have a good community. The one thing that were could do better is in organization

    Your friend-
    Christian Hassel

  56. We were able to build our ranch because the lumberjacks got us wood so we could make fences,we also had food to feed our animals be had to breed our animals then we could kill them so we could get food for us. At this point I would not consider us a civilization because everyone needs to be at there job when there job needs them, i would make a sheet saying when they could go for a walk or go to there job and work. ~Katelyn Purdy

  57. I was able to build part of the civilization by planting crops.So the civilization won't go starving.I would consider myself as a civilization.Since I'm doing my job by planting, while minors,craftsmen,ranchers,builders, and lumberjack are doing their jobs.By making it better our civilization can have more seeds of melon,water melon,carrots,pumpkin, and wheat seeds.

  58. I was able to explore the jungle to find more supplies like jungle wood and coco beans. At this point I think we are a civilazation because we are working harder then before.TO enchance the civilization I try to explore and find more forests

  59. We are a town because we got god funchin. We need to add a school to make people learn about the art.
    I build houses the church

  60. the miners gatherd gold dimond flint and some other stuff i dont know so thaty is my answer to help craft stuff./.

    yes i would consider my self as a civilazation because we have everything we need to survive../

    By building more catles building church amen ..

  61. Since im a crafter i can''t psychically build my part of the civilization, but i was able to help all my fellow members of the civilization. I crafted them what they need in order to help the rest of the members. At this point i really wouldn't consider us a civilization yet because i do think we still have some more of the basics to cover. In the future i would like to get a lot more ores and stuff like that so my team and i can get even more things for the rest of the members. Also i would like to improve the way people get around the place,and the way we communicate. I do think my community can work on these things because i believe it would make us a better civilization.

  62. (1)My job the farmers are a big part of the civilization we provide food for the people.
    (2)Yes we have a very good and well runing civilization that has a lot of good workers and people.
    (3)The farmers can grow crops faster and the crafters can craft faster.

  63. im a rancher and we get meat from killing the animals i wouldnt consider us a civillzation becasue everyone needs to stay at there place and stop killing the anmials if there not ranchers to make it beter add llamas

  64. I was able to build part of my civilization because I was a farmer and what we did was we got seeds and planted them were the signs said the food was we planted pumpkins,wheat, melons,and more. I would consider us a civilization because we all had our own jobs and focused on what we had to do and we have everything we need. I would make better our civilization by building a school and a weapons place and hospital.

  65. yes we are a civilization because we trust each oher.
