Monday, January 28, 2019

This Week in the Lab - January 28-February 1

Kindergarten - Students will continue working in their accounts.
1st Grade - Students will use PowerPoint to practice math skills.
2nd Grade - Students will use the engineering design process to build and test a complete roller coaster using "Disney Coaster".
4th Grade - Students will use geography skills while playing Geoguessr.

Image result for logo  Image result for powerpoint logo  Image result for geoguessr logo

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

This Week in the Lab - January 22-25

3rd Grade Animals Project - Students will complete their Google Slides presentation on their assigned animal.
Kindergarten - Students will create a picture in Tux Paint and add their name.
2nd Grade - Students will continue to practice using the Engineering Design Process.

Image result for google slides logo  Image result for tux paint logo  Image result for engineering design process

Monday, January 14, 2019

This Week in the Lab - January 14-18

3rd Grade Animals Project - Students will use the Internet to research an animal and create a presentation using Google Slides.

Kindergarten, 1st Grade - Students will continue working in their accounts.

Image result for google slides logo     Image result for logo

Friday, January 11, 2019

6th Grade Minecraft Edu - Early Civilizations

Minecraft: War!
You fought in a "war" today; at least as much of a war as Minecraft can be.  Answer the following questions in one comment:

Part A: Your Own Reaction

1.) What were your emotions during the beginning?  If you were an attacker, what were you feeling leading up to the attack?  If a defender, how did you react when the attackers came?

2.) What were your thoughts during the "defend the beacons" stage?  What went well?  What went badly?

3.) How did it feel when a 3rd "army" (the monsters) came in?  Did you automatically stop fighting the other players, or did you continue your fight?  Why or why not?

4.) What were your thoughts and emotions when you looked over the ruin of the city?

Part B: Application to Social Studies

1.) You've been learning about Egypt, Kush, and Assyria.
·         In our lesson, what group would be the "Egyptians"?  Why them?
·         What group would be the Kushites?  Why?
·         What group would be the Assyrians?  Why?
2.) What must it have been like for those who lived through the actual conquest of Egypt?  Would they have felt any of the same emotions you did?  What would have been different?

3.) Do you think there is such a thing as a "good" war?  Given the destruction and loss of (Minecraft) life that you saw today, is war ever "worth it"?  Why or why not?

Monday, January 7, 2019

This Week in the Lab - January 7-11

Kindergarten - Students will use virtual reality to explore new locations.
1st Grade - Students will add a picture and complete their MLK Dream posters.
2nd Grade - Students will use Hot Wheels to practice the engineering design process.
6th Grade - Students will return to the community they created in Minecraft Edu.

Image result for viewmaster vr goggles  Image result for microsoft word logo  Image result for hot wheels speedometry logo  Image result for minecraftedu logo

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

This Week in the Lab - January 2-4

Kindergarten - Students will practice mouse skills while playing a game.
1st Grade - Students will begin their MLK Dream poster in Microsoft Word.
2nd Grade - Students will begin their Engineering unit by solving challenges in World of Goo.
4th Grade - Students will learn about the upsides and downsides of photo editing.

Family Tech Night
Thursday, January 3
6:00-7:30 pm