Friday, January 11, 2019

6th Grade Minecraft Edu - Early Civilizations

Minecraft: War!
You fought in a "war" today; at least as much of a war as Minecraft can be.  Answer the following questions in one comment:

Part A: Your Own Reaction

1.) What were your emotions during the beginning?  If you were an attacker, what were you feeling leading up to the attack?  If a defender, how did you react when the attackers came?

2.) What were your thoughts during the "defend the beacons" stage?  What went well?  What went badly?

3.) How did it feel when a 3rd "army" (the monsters) came in?  Did you automatically stop fighting the other players, or did you continue your fight?  Why or why not?

4.) What were your thoughts and emotions when you looked over the ruin of the city?

Part B: Application to Social Studies

1.) You've been learning about Egypt, Kush, and Assyria.
·         In our lesson, what group would be the "Egyptians"?  Why them?
·         What group would be the Kushites?  Why?
·         What group would be the Assyrians?  Why?
2.) What must it have been like for those who lived through the actual conquest of Egypt?  Would they have felt any of the same emotions you did?  What would have been different?

3.) Do you think there is such a thing as a "good" war?  Given the destruction and loss of (Minecraft) life that you saw today, is war ever "worth it"?  Why or why not?


  1. I feel good but sad at the same time because now I know how they felt when they came and attacked the other people. Also i feel more sad though because I feel bad for the people who got attacked. I don't think it was right for them to go attack the other side. But at the begin we were all working together and then one side went against us. I was confused and a little heart broken because everything my team and I worked on got destroyed. They were my emotions.

  2. In the begging we all were working together. Then everyone started to work against us. I was so confused and a little heart broken because are buildings were getting destroyed. I got so shocked and I just hid in houses that were some what together at this point. Everything did go together to see how attacks felt. Even know that I was sad and was disappointed but we all started to fight the creepers and zombies. This was a really good feeling on how people felt when they got attacked.

  3. When I was the attacker I felt great destroying every thing and killing ever one. theres no such thing as good war because you destroy everything in the war and everything that you built will be destroyed.My thoughts wre to destroy the beacons and to kill everyone.

  4. In the begging we were all working together. Then everyone started working against us in the game. I was hurt because our buildings were getting destroyed. We worked so hard on them. When we were starting to get attacked, I just hid in houses that some parts weren't destroyed. Everything started to go well after when everyone was done. But I was still heartbroken that everything was destroyed. Also everyone started to fight the creepers and zombies when they came. This was a good feeling that everything went well.

  5. It was exciting to be an attacker. The beacons were kinda tough, but we did get them all. When I saw the monsters I was a little worried. It was a lot to worry about. I tried to fight them, but then I decided to hide. It was an interesting expierience and fun. It is so much like ancient times with all of the pressure on you to survive. I had a blast. It was totally worth it.

  6. In the beginning,I was really excited about fighting others, but it was lots of high tension because the other kids might have figured out that we were attacking our own civilization. I kind of felt really bad that we all destroyed everything including the amazing museum, because Tamara, Sophie, Janayah, and I built the whole thing.It was very tense during the "war" because the kids who weren't on the attackers side would probably be classified as Egyptians, and we'd be the Kushites because our city was destroyed in the process of the 'war" i had a really good time honestly because everyone had different emotions.

  7. The emotions i had in the beginning were comfused, and sad. The only thing that went well was the church was not damaged and the town hall. It felt stressful because i had people to fight the humans and monsters. The emotions i had when i looked over the ruin city was sad.the eygptians are the defenders. yes because they will be sad about the lost biludings, and loved ones. No there is no suchthing as a good war.

  8. i was confused because they just stared to attack us we did and then we were in a hallway and we were just killing each other and then we got out and had to comet suicide from a high thoughts during the war i just thoughts we killing each other for fun and then we stared fighting monsters

  9. Being an attacker was kinda scary,because I didn't know if I wouldn't survive through the attack.I was shocked more than scared to be honest.I was shocked that I was picked as an attacker,but it was sad.The houses were destroyed and the buildings.We worked hard on them,but never actually thought of something else,like the attack we had.For the defenders must've been scary,because of us attackers.Some were even sad that the houses they worked on this week were gone.I was sad too when I saw my stage turn into something great into something awful and tragic.I really want to try and see what a defender is being like,but only for next time.

  10. When I was a attacker I was feeling great when we attacked the defenders.When the attackers (us) attacked the defenders we had to kill the people around the beacon then destroy the beacon.There is no such thing as a good war because during a war you can have fun but it won't be fun at the same time because you can get killed during a war.


  12. I was really excited when i knew that i can destroy the city. That was a really good way to relate to how the people back then had unexpected attracts. The thoughts that went in my head is how do you think that the people would've done to survive. the thing that went well is that we all worked together and finished the job and got all the beacons down. when the monsters came in, i didn't know what the heck to do. i panicked and ran in the church till the coast was clear. when the coast was clear, i stopped fighting the defenders and we all kind of worked together to destroy the monsters because we already had destroyed all 6 beacons, and we panicked and kind of forgot that we were battling. when it was all over i was so upset because all of that hard work for nothing:(

  13. When I was an attacker, I felt great when I was killing (Minecraft) people. The feeling that was my anger from inside was gone after killing (Minecraft) people. I also thought that the defenders were terrified from us, but i didn't care. At the beacon stage, the defenders were armored, which I said in my head that now I have a challenge. Destroying the beacon helped me realize that I like destroying things. At the third army stage, I was still killing people, not knowing how the mobs spawned, then I decided to hide in the church with Neveah, then after 4 minutes I left. I then decided to kill all the mobs while also killing the people.

  14. I was a attacker,I was feeling excited to fight others.The things the went will that we had fun and the badly thing was the things we built all was destroyed.I stop fighting the others,I stared fighting the monsters.My emotions when everything was ruin,I was really upset about it,but it was really fun.The Kushites and the Assyrians are the same as what we did Minecraf t.if they lived in the egypt they would feel not really good.Yes the worth it because it was fun

  15. I felt sad during the beinning of the game.when the attackers came I was scard.I was sad when i died.

  16. Part A

    At first I was confused, but as soon as the attack started I felt paranoid. As if something would happen any second. I liked the idea of having something to protect, but in the end it caused a lot of destruction for the whole civilization. I think that if we didn't have something else to protect our civilization would be much less damaged. Once the monsters came in I just decided to go into the museum, and hide myself in the balcony. In the end, when I saw all the damage I thought how much we forgot about everything and just started fighting.

    Part B

    I think the Egyptians would be the defenders, because I consider the defenders the main group like the Egyptians. Then as the Kushites as see them as the attackers, because they were the main enemy against the Egyptians. Lastly, I see the Assyrians as the monster, because to me they're like the third wheel. I think they felt many more intense emotions than us since it was in real life. No, war is always scary and puts many lives in danger.

  17. Part A
    1.) The emotions during the beginning of the "war" are that, I got pretty surprised how they started to attack. I honestly felt like this would have happened during the time but didn't think about it to much.

    2.) During the beacon attack, it was really intense. It was like, when you're answering a question, and you get it wrong. But it was fun though.

    3.) When I started to see the 3rd team, I didn't really fight back, besides sometimes, but mainly i didn't

    4.) Our building wasn't really that ruined, but the when i saw what had happened to the city, i was disappointed since we spent, a long time to make everything. but it was expected when they attacked.

    Part B

    1.) I think that we would be the Egyptians, and the attackers would be kushites, and the 3rd group would be Assyrians, since the Egyptians and Kushites fought and Assyrians found both.

    2.) I feel like it would have been terrible, since many lives were killed. and i feel like they would have they same feelings as what we felt.

    3.) I feel like there would be such things as a good war, since there could be little wars, and big.
    it could be worth it for the others.

  18. While leading up to the attack, I felt things like courage and bravery. The things that went well during the D.T.B. stage were that the attackers wiped out the beacons very quickly even when the "third army" came. When the "third army" came, I felt surprised because at first, I was trying to clear a building from defenders. Then I came outside with the surprise of an army of zombies and creepers. When I looked over the destruction, I felt disappointed because all of our hard work was just destroyed during the battle. I think that the defenders would be the Egyptians because they had a big, thriving city. I thing that the attackers would be the Kushites since they were the first to attack. I think the "third army" would be the Assyrians since they came in after the battle started. I don't think that there can be a good war unless the winning side has low casualties.-Elvin

  19. my emotions about the attackers coming to our sivilation and destroying all of our things but that was not the main purpose of the project it was to learn about the ancient civilation. My thoughts about the defend beacons stage was not fun because all of our hard work was gone i was shocked that they would do that do there hard work to i would think they would want to admire there project but the just destroyed there hard work.When the monsters came i was stoping to fight the atackes and we teamed up together and fought the monsters. my thoughts about the city being destroyed i was very mad i admired that but it was gone.

  20. when the attackers came I was very confused. I felt betrayed and scared for my minecraft life.

  21. our civilization fell apart when we went to war. I felt overuled as my classmates stabbed me to death.

  22. 1 I was an attacker my feeling leading up to the attack. My emotions I was excited to attack my friends without them noticeing.2 it went well we got the beacons and "won the war".3 I fought bot the monsters,the defenders because it was a war and I was fighting for my life.4 when I looked over the ruined city I was sad because all off the hard work went to waste.

    Part b.1 the defenders would be the Egyptians cause they always got attact a lot.2 the Kushites would be the attackers because they came a fought without them noticing.the accretions would be the monsters because they came third and came to get us.

  23. after the monsters came in the game i continued to fight. i felt even more out numbered then i was before.

  24. I think that how Ancient India was compared to Minecraft becauese they didn't had fancy shops like Shop rite or Best Buy we do in moderan days.I personally fell frustrated because we took hard work and effort.The town was destoryed a lot like about 90 percent and 10 percent wasn't destory.The war was big but it turn into a monster war.

  25. i felt sad when i saw all of my hard work crushed

  26. The feeling I had to leading up to the attack was that I kinda felt excited because I was ready to attack My thoughts were that It went well and when the monsters came out I continued to fight,When the city was ruined It look cool with the fire.

  27. HOW I FELT WHEN I ATACTED THE CITY WAS FUN BECAUSE I GOT TO TAKE THE CITY OVER. Also i hid in a secret bunker. so i did not die when the 3 army interfered an almost to evreone life. Also this realtes to other civilization.

  28. My felling during the beginning was very happy because I felt like a ninja. when I was leading into the attack I felt powerful (I am a attacker). My though on the defend the beacon stage was "cool".

  29. Part A: When the attackers came to the village, I didn't know until I saw Anthony's name in the chat. Then I started to panic because I had to defend myself. When we were defending the beacons it was a lot easier to prepare because we knew the enemies were coming. After fighting for a couple of minutes the third army (The Monsters) came and started to destroy everything. They out numbered us so a lot of us died. When I saw the ruins of the city I was disappointed because all of our hard work was being thrown down the drain.

    Part B: In the attack, the monsters would be the Assyrians since they came in last minute and wiped everyone out. The defenders would be the Egyptians because they weren't prepared for the attack so they lost many lives.

  30. When I found out I was an attacker I was glad. I'm not saying I like hurting people, but I was just glad it wasn't me being attacked. When it came around to the "beacon round" I felt really anxious because I thought i would be killed by the other team. When the 3rd attackers came in I thought I would be with the other team. I thought the only thing left to do for survival was to help the others. At one point during the attack I thought I should hide, so I did but i was super scared so then i started to come out and help.

    By Carter Houghtaling

  31. I left fine because s wasn't killed I killed people so I had no hard feelings. when we had to destroy the becans we were killed and hurt but at night it got worse because the third army came and everybody was running and some worked together. I kept fighting because if I stoped they would have killed me any way .My emotions
    were why did the third army came and beat up your home that we loved and cared for. by Keyla Martinez

  32. When the attackers first came it was very hectic with people running, and yelling, and hiding. Some tried to fight including me, some tried to hide, and some tried to escape. Once we were told we could defend against the attackers some people felt hope, some felt determined, and others still were very fearful. I was ready but I felt that something was off. While we were fighting a third army attacked. Many who were before brave and ready were now hiding and running. Many of the people from other sides were now teaming up. I was on my own for most of the time fighting off enemy after enemy. People dying left and right as the amount of bodies started to pile-up. I assume this would also be similar to the thoughts and feelings of a real soldier in a battle like this. Has there ever been a good war? No

  33. what i think about the war is fun because i was a attacker and i was killing people and destroying stuff.there where monsters everywhere in the city.

  34. Part A: In the beginning i had no idea that people would be attacked until i saw in the chat that Anthony killed someone. I had plans to hide in the bunker to the Market until Shane killed me and i was in a place i was unfamiliar with. On part 2 of the challenge i didn't expect the third army to come. my first reaction was to stay on top of the library and snipe people. The only flaw was that the third army was on top of the library.
    part B: There is no such thing as a good war because people are killed and property is destroyed. I think that we would be the Kushites the attackers would be the egypt because overall they were stronger.

  35. When we were being attacked I was mad at the person who had killed because I didn't know what was going on. Afterwards though I thought it was pretty fun cause I was attacking the attackers. When we were defending I was kind of sad because all our hard work was being destroyed. Things went well for the first part like I only died once. Afterwards things went pretty bad and I fell into a cave and was attacked from every where. When the monsters came I just attacked them right away. I wanted to because I thought it was more important for our city than killing the other people. I was kinda sad when I looked at the city because of all our hard work but I felt better later.

  36. When I was leading up to the attack I was really nervous cause you had to sneak around and kill our classmates. Also I was nervous when I had to put my head down. when it was the attack the beacon stage I was so scared cause I didn't want to die,but me and bree teamed up.The building started to burn and monsters were attacking people. When I saw the ruin city I was very disappointed because we all worked hard on our civilization. The Egyptians are the defenders, the Kushites are the Attackers, and the Assyrians. I think the war was worth it because it showed us how Egyptians used to live and how they got it wars.

  37. As an attacker I was very excited when sneaking into the city. During the defend the beacons stage it went well. We destroyed all the beacons in a few minutes. When the third army came in I didn't care I just kept fighting. I knew I was stronger than the monsters so they were fine, if anything they helped. When I looked at the ruined city I didn't care too much.
    Part B: The defenders are the egyptians, the attackers were the Kushites, and the monsters are Assyrians. I think in real life people were very scared not excited or happy. To me war is never worth it. It is always just because of jealousy or anger.

  38. I was a attacker so it was funny playing the prank on the rest of the class.When the first person died the defenders were confused witch made it funny.They were so fun to watch running around they just spread out and hid but we killed all of them i think.when we attacked the beacons it got crazy there were mobs everywhere fire on houses TNT blew up it was insane.The thing that went good was that i think we got all of the beacons me and keniyah were going house to house trying to survive.After the battle the city was destroyed the theater that my team built was gone all of our hard work was gone.I was really sad because i loved it the theater and other buildings were so nice. PartB:I think the Egyptians would be the defenders because they lived near the dessert and nobody rarley went there so they thought they were safe.i think the kushites were the attackers because they came across land that was built on and the people in it didn't reconize them and they didnt have defence so they attacked. Lastly I think the assyrians were the 3rd team of attack beacuse they had more people better armor weapons fire way more things then both groups.I think there is such thing as a good war because after the assyrians joined the war the egyptians and kush came together to protect the land exept for 3 teams going against each other this is why i beive there can be good wars.

  39. My thoughts as an attacker was to slaughter people and not die! My thoughts of a beacon stage was trying to get all of them but I kind of didn’t do that so..... . 3)When the zombies came I didn't stop fighting players but fought both "parties" you could say! 4)Things that went wrong was nothing except people running away. My thoughts of the city gone were oh well um I guess it's gone. But felt bad for people that had all their work tarnished. Part B) The Egyptians would be the villagers because they weren't prepared for an attack. Also, in ancient times they were having a fun time until people attacked them. The Kushites would be the attackers because they raided towns in ancient times as well. The Assyrians woulds be the mobs because they came in sheer numbers and were powerful.Part B 2) I feel like the people who lived back then would be petrified and scared because their lives are at stake instead of oh I can re spawn. I guess they would feel some emotions as the attackers had vengeance to conquer towns. Part B: There is no such thing as a good war since people lose lives nobody goes out with the same number of people started. No I think war isn't ever good since people again lose lives and lose money.

  40. 1 my emotions is very sad really. i was attacing i felt bad for theam. FIRST bad for theam first what went badly is my friends work so SO hard on the talnt show. but some one BLOW IT UPband the monsrers I killed the zombies and the creepers BUT they keep sponding.2 my thoghts my emotions whean i look is. it was runid i felt so bad for the peeps who lost thare homes. what i lurnd to day is this happend to in egland frace war 1900 that what i lurnd

  41. Part A: My Reaction
    Because I was a defender, my initial feeling leading up to the take was thinking to myself'' Who will I target first, what will I use to target that individual and will they try and attack me back.'' Other than thinking that before starting the attack, I don't really think I worried to much about that. When we did defend the beacon stage some things that went well was that the attackers collected and destroyed all of the beacons. The thing that went wrong was that during that process we died multiple times. when the third group came I think I started to worry about my health and not dying instead of worrying about beating the defenders. Than after I didn't get targeted by the third group that much I started trying to attack the defenders again. Once I saw that our city was ruined I was really mad because we spent days trying to perfect our city than it all crashes down in front of our eyes.
    Part B: Application to Social Studies
    In my opinion the group that would be considered the “Egyptians” would probably be the Defenders. The reason I choose this group to be the “Egyptians” is because they kind of own the city and are being attacked. They also are the main people dealing with the problem. And they also had many people invade their country just as the defenders country was invaded by the attackers and the third group. The group that would probably be known as the Assyrians would be the third group,”the Minecraft monsters” the reason they would probably be the Assyrians is because the Assyrians were one of the most powerful group in the world and they were very hard to take down. Just like the Assyrians the third group was very powerful and was very hard to take down when in war with the attackers and the defenders. Last but not least I believe the group that most resembled the Kushites were probably the defenders. The reason is because even though the Kushites were strong and powerful they did get lose battles which does resemble what happened when the attackers and defenders had to save themselves from the third group.
    In my opinion the people who had to live in Egypt during that time didn’t feel the same way I felt and they most likely went threw many different things. One of the things that were different was that when I died I was able to come back to life, but when an actual Egyptian would die in war they weren’t able to come back. Also when I was in war I felt it was kind of fun trying to attack my friends but, back than I would think that all of the Egyptians didn’t find it fun and they probably thought of it as a life or death situation.
    Finally I don’t think there is a such thing as a “good” war. I think every war is to either claim something another group wants or needs or it is to prove that your group of people is stronger and better than another group of people.

    -Victoria Davidson

  42.  I never thought I would be apart of a war, but there are firsts for everything! I felt kind of felt betrayed but not at the same time. I'm more of an independent person and I gathered up stuff for myself so it didnt matter, I thought I was fine until the war started. Then as I looked over at our city while I was running away. War; is it worth it or not? My opinion about war is it depends on what you're fighting for. Therefore I think sometimes war is worth and sometimes not.

  43. What I thank of the war I was confused because everyone was killing each other and then I got more confused when Mr Dunn put in more monsters.
