Monday, October 17, 2016

This Week in the Lab - October 17-21

6th Graders will use MinecraftEdu to simulate the struggles of early humans that they learned about in Social Studies.  This three day lesson includes a tutorial on how to use MinecraftEdu as well as chronological challenges that the earliest humans experienced.


  1. One of the connections that I can see between what we've learned in social studies and simulating in Minecraft is like the humans of long ago, you need to build a shelter to survive. You can get water (although it is not needed in MineCraft) from the natural water sources like long ago. Also in MineCraft, you can attack other people's villages, if you are bothered enough to build a whole village. Another thing, is when people built said villages, they had to gather all of their materials, like you do in MineCraft.

  2. Mind craft and our social studies subject early humans relate in so many ways.One way that Mind Craft and early humans relate because they needed partners to hunt deer,and gather supplies for a fire.And in my case I needed a partner to show me how to move around.Also the hunters needed help if they were to be in a problem were they need to escape from a trap.In my case I got stuck in a ditch my partner helped get out of the ditch.Finally the gathers needed a partner to help them gather supplies for fire and water.And my partner helped me collect dirt to make a stairway to get to the next challenge.Those are ways that Mind craft and our history lesson about early humans hunters and gathers relate.

  3. the same at cut down trees or use rock to make surfer to use to survive . Walk , jump and swim you can hunt.

  4. in minecraft you survive how ever you can by useing wood and getting food and other things.In the neolithic time they did that stuff to survive to.

  5. Some connections between the game minecraft and what we learned in social studies is that,how the game gives us signs on what to do like directions like jump or go forward. LIke our teacher gives us directios on what to do also like our papers do. Also when the game gives us clues and hints on the cardboard that we can click on and read. Also agian our game minecraft the maze4 teaches us challenges we might face on test. Like how hard test are gonna get.

    1. Relate how your Mindcraft character experiences life much like the hominids of prehistoric time. Give examples of connections between the two.

  6. The life for early hominids was very much like the life in Mine Craft. For example, when we first started this Mine Craft journey, we had nothing and had to survive with nothing and figure out how to not starve to death mostly. Then when we had to go to another time which was more evolved, got tools, weapons, a furnace, and coal to fuel the furnace. The second time I felt like we all had a better chance at surviving with all of the resources we had. The next time we do this, I think it will be much, much easier.

  7. Out of the three days of our Minecraft simulation you can agree there are many similarities between the game ,and earlier hominids. One connection is in Minecraft you had to go around the map looking for materials to build resources. That is just like what the hominids had to do to maybe find food or materials to build tools ,and shelters. Also in Minecraft there were many things that could kill you for example spiders ,creepers ,and skeletons. These weren’t things earlier hominids had to live against ,but they did have to survive against wild dogs, coyotes, or some animals that are now extinct. Lastly in the simulation we set out on our own to try and survive. Like earlier hominids it was harder for them to survive alone. The reason for this was since we were alone we had to do more work and had less time to do it. The game Minecraft really simulates what earlier hominids had to live through ,and how the overcame these challenges.
