Tuesday, January 3, 2017

This Week in the Lab - January 3-6

6th Grade Social Studies - Minecraft First Civilizations

Students will use MinecraftEDU to simulate early civilizations.  Each student will receive a role within the community: builders, crafters, farmers, ranchers, miners, and lumberjacks.  Students will work in teams to build an early civilization.


  1. What I did today was really fun. We made a apartment and me Vy and Chris. and we also worked on a temple. I died once because of hunger. Thank you mr. Dunn and Mrs. Whittiker.

  2. I think about the min raft civilization that we need more food in the woods so people could survive and also people give crafters a lot of stuff and crafters give it to people that are hungry and most people that have a lot of food they just be greedy and keep it to them selfs so when they are hungry they use more than they need instead they could give it to the crafters to give some of it to people that are hungry and give it to farmers so farmers could feed the domisticated animals like sheeps,cows,chicken,pig,horse,ducks,and dogs that lead the cattles.some people do not give the crafters what they have they just go and kill more animals and keep it to them selfs for the rest of the round and also people do not give farmers any thing so the plants do not have good health.

    BY:Ali Mohamed class:Mrs. Rizzo Homeroom:32
