Monday, December 7, 2015

6th Grade MinecraftEdu Day 1

Minecraft and Social Studies???  Has Mr. Dunn lost his mind?

What connections do you see between what you have learned in Social Studies and what you can do in Minecraft?


  1. i can relate to both by how how they both are a maze and how you find your path that you want and also you can build your imagination like how have to build your grades.

  2. min craft can be you's d to reenact history. You can build old battle sites; and build monuments.Act out wars and other important parts of history

  3. The connections I see between what we learned in social studies and what we can do in minecraft are one, I think they relate becuase history would change SO much in little time there would be alot change. In minecraft there is alot of stuff you can do just like in history. Also, the way you need to start out with nothing and work your way up with various differnet strategies...

  4. Some comparasins between on what we learned on social studies and minecraft are that they both tell you the what tools the people had in the stone age. Also in social studies we learned how people got more civilized, and in minecraft you try to get more civilized by gathering more material and using it.

  5. There are many connections that i see between minecraft and what we learned in social studies.For example, in minecraft you have to overcome many obstacles this relates to social studies because people had to overcome many challenges to get a home. Also, in minecraft you have to adapt to the controls in social studies people had to adapt to thier new lives.So in conclusion, that's how there are many connections between minecraft and social studies.

  6. I think we could possibly act like early humans and we could make tools collect food make crops build homes and make armor or cloths kind of like early humans just in tech related ways so it's a little different but kind of the same in some type of way cause the hominids had to do everything and figure everything out them selves not just going to a website and looking it up so there life was way more difficult than our life was today you could say in a way.

  7. That we will feel how the groups felt like when they where getting attacked by different groups all around.

  8. In social studies we are now going on minecraft but first of all why? I personally think they make us do this project to learn how it was to live in different spots and learning how to survive with the materials you have. We learned how they made moats and weapons to keep out intruders who want to have the water. Well in minecraft you have to build defenses against the mobs that try to hurt you. You might as well think that Mr.Dunn and Mrs.Alton are out of their minds but truly it relates a lot to social studies! In social studies we talked about how when the people in the stone age were gatherers and how in the neolithic stone age they learned how to grow crops and food was less scarce. In mincratf if you gather materials and don't stay in one spot you'll not have a stable food supply. If you grow crops you'll have a stable food supply and with that you could do way more than worry about food. In conclusion minecraft and what we learned in social studies have a bunch of connection and they are that in both they felt how it feel with a limited supply of an object, what they did to protect themselves and finally what happened when they got a stable food supply.

  9. How the groups felt like in warfare against other groups and different communities all around.

  10. Minecraft and social studies are about the same b/c they have know how to craft with their crafting table and the social studies made by their selves so that's what I think about they are the same

  11. Minecraft and social studies are about the same b/c they have know how to craft with their crafting table and the social studies made by their selves so that's what I think about they are the same

  12. I think we can use mincraftedu to learn about social studies because we build things relative to social studies.For example if it's about hominids we can go in caves,make wooden swords,and hunt.And like kristallnacht we can build houses and at night trash buildings and maybe take hostages.

    Theo Mitchell

  13. Minecraft and social studies are similar b/c they can craft and get animals that's what I think about them

  14. Minecraft and and social studies are related in a way, here it is. In minecraft you can build a lot of things like a railroad to a mansion. In social studies you can learn about how people in the olden days built and lived. In minecraft and social studies they can both show you how they built and how you can build on minecraft.

  15. I think it is related because they had to go through obstacles like when we had to climb a ladder but for them its like climbing a mountain.

  16. the similarities in minecraft and social studies is that you can build anything that happened in the past like the pyramids in Egypt or the iefal tower in france

  17. I think Minecraft relates to social studies by the empires and the early hominids. For instance, it relates to the empire by building structures and in Minecraft we'd have to build structures so I could relate social studies with that to. Next, it relates to the early hominids by starting out from scratch and in Minecraft you would get tools later on like the hominids did back then. That is how I think Minecraft relates to the empires, hominids, and the social studies

  18. maybe we open business and then people come in and try to make are lives horrible on it. Maybe we use team work like civilizations did in accent times. Or we try to survive with out a stable way of living and few supplies like hominids did. There is many ways such as trying to start something new and going through challenges like our ancestors did.

  19. You can act out plays and build models of objects or actions the ancient people used or did. █░█░█░█░█

  20. Minecraft edu is like social studies because of the ways you can craft different things with different materials like in the stone age.

  21. In social studies they had civilizations and they could build things like you do in minecraft. Also,in minecraft you could trade like in social studies. Those are some of the connections between minecraft and social studies.

  22. The connection i see between what I've learned in social studies and what i can do in Minecraft is the ability to communicate with others. In Minecraft since you had to work with a partner you had to work and talk together to find an exit and get through the maze. In social studies we learned that different people had to communicate to get what they wanted. In social studies and in Minecraft this is a connection that they share.

  23. The connection i see between what I've learned in social studies and what i can do in Minecraft is the ability to communicate with others. In Minecraft since you had to work with a partner you had to work and talk together to find an exit and get through the maze. In social studies we learned that different people had to communicate to get what they wanted. In social studies and in Minecraft this is a connection that they share.

  24. There are many connections between Minecraft and what we have learned in social studies. First, in Minecraft, we use old types of tools that the "handyman" and other tribes of people used. Also, you have to be able to survive. In old times, they had to hunt and gather and later grow their own food. Finally, you are able to domesticate animals. In the Neolithic age, people would domesticate animals and make them do farm work. In Minecraft, you can domesticate cows and sheep and so many other animals to get food and tools.

  25. There are many connections I see between what I have learned in S.S and what I can do in MineCraft. For example, both topics involved you trying to survive and make or hunt your own food.You also have to make your own shelter and be able to protect yourself.At that time,people had to make there own tools to defend or protect themselves,Just like minecraft, you have to be able to craft and build your tools.Finally,In the Babylonian empire people would trade or have deals to live their lives.In MineCraft you are able to trade with villagers to get great rewards. These were some of my connections that I came up with based on what I learned in S.S and what I can do in MineCraft.

  26. What I learned in Social Studies helps me understand why we used Minecraft in school today. In Social Studies I learned that the groups migrate to find a new home. And in Minecraft we have to migrate to find the next part of the game. Another reason why is because in Social Studies the groups got in some challenges while migrating. And in Minecraft we ran into some challenges like trying to stay with our group. Thats how Social Studies compares to what you do in Minecraft.

  27. Mine craft and our social studies class have a few connections. One example is there is a few challenges from mining in caves to fighting monsters. In Social studies the immigrants before us had a very difficult time to try and survive. Even know it took a wile they overcame there challenges and hopefully my class will in social studies.

  28. Minecraft relates to social studies because the ancient people were exploring new land and did not know where they were going just like we did. We both had figure out our way.

  29. The connections that I see between what I learned in Social Studies and what i can do in Minecraft is that in Social Studies people try to escape or find a place to stay and try to make tools that can be useful. Also, in Minecraft you can build houses or tools.The connection between Social Studies and Minecraft is that they both are nature and that they both have things that can help them build or make useful materials.

  30. Minecraft is awesome!!!! this project we are doing in social studies is the same thing as what we are learning in social studies! Because we are all making homes and discovering new habitats and to survive just like the nomads did. They never had a permenet home and had to travel from place to place! - Yarelis

  31. In my class, we are using Minecraft for Social Studies. There are some connections I can make with what I've learned in Social Studies and using Minecraft. One connection is that there were difficult obstacles. In ancient Sumer, all of the rivers flooded which was a very big obstacle. The Sumerians didn't give up though, their positive attitude and resourcefulness helped them to start building canals! In Minecraft, we had different kinds of obstacles to go through, for example jumping across a big gap. At first I was having trouble, but then I used what was around me; the key sheet. I made myself get a head start, then I went forward and jumped! I made through the obstacle, just like the Sumerians!

  32. I can't find my comment???

  33. Minecraft is just like what we are doing in social studies.We can build shelters just like early civilizations did.Also,we con go explore and find villages and pyramids/ziggurats/temples!

  34. I can see other people's comments but not mine! Someone help! This clearly explains why I'm not going to be a technology teacher when I get older...

    1. lol...don't worry, we didn't even have "comments" when I was in 6th grade and here I am! :)

  35. There are many similarities between minecraft and social studies.For instance, in Egypt they had social structure.Well we do to! Mr.Dunn could be th "Pharoh" and make sure everything maintains peace. Those who are experienced in minecraft and know what there are doing could be the artisans and craftspeople.Those who are still learning cxould be pheasants.(since I think there are a lot of us out there��) But I think once we are finished with this project we will all be government officials.Also, since minecraft is so creative friendly we could virtually recreate a Egyptian way of life. Together we could build temples, pyramids,huge monuments,the great sphinx! (with a twist head of a human body of a tiger;) There would be so many possibilities,together, building yesterday's world in tomorrow's land!

  36. Well, in the stone age, they had limited supplies, and they hunted for animals instead of farming. Just like in Minecraft! When playing, you have to make certain tools to hunt animals, you have to gather supplies, build shelter, and even have a place where you know there is a stable amount of animals.

  37. Minecraft and social studies can be very much alike. For example in minecraft you could build huge structures like pyramids or possibly the teacher could tell us what to build like the Pharaoh in Egypt an were the peasants.Or maybe we could do player vs player like the wars in ancient history.

  38. I think that were going to learn how to building stuff in Minecraft and probably learn more about the control's when we do projects on Minecraft because a lot of people are learning how to play Minecraft. I think that this social studies project is going to be fun for the all of us.

  39. I think that we are going to be learning about the ways of Minecraft like building and making projects and having a hole lot of fun in Minecraft. that's what i think what were going to be doing in Minecraft.

  40. I like it because i get to spend time with my friends and to now more of minecraft

  41. the connections between them are since mine craft has to show survival so did the early hominids because they need to hunt and gathher foods just like you do in minecraft

  42. i think they want to see what it is like to be early humans. it shows the struggle the of what they had back then when it was back then. the reason is because it is hard to live in in the early days with no tools. its harder to survive with no help or food or tools. your all alone you are your own for survival. just like bear grills in the when hes in the show to teach us how to survive the wild.

  43. Mine craft is similar to social studies because their is a level were you have to survive. In social studies they have to survived too.They don't know how to make tools and in mine craft you have to find curtain thing to make tool. In social studies you have to do that too.

  44. The connection I see between minecraft and what we have learned in Social Studies is that they had a hard time learning what they had to do to survive. Minecraft is the same way when you have to catch food and find a home to survive. Also your on your own with no one around you and you don't have anyone to communicate. This is how minecraft and what I learned and Social Studies have a connection.

  45. In mine craft you can make it like your own world. You can do simulations and other cool things. You can learn with mine craft too. You can learn about science and social studies. You can learn how to survive the worlds and act like lucy and the others animals. We are doing mine craft to learn how it was 4 million years ago.

  46. mincraft is about how to survive like the indians that we learned about in social studies and catching food and other stuff.

  47. Its like soicel studys because it have a open and vast world and limited resourses

  48. Minecraft is related to social studies because minecraft you have to find your way thruogh chalenges an obstacles and travle along the way.In social studies you learn about how people have to travlel to survive and complete obstacles and face challenges along the way.

  49. Minecraft can relate to social studies in many ways .In Minecraft you have to find your way and learn new obstacles courses. In social studies you learn new things and see how people found there way if they had a obstacle course. That's how I think it connects to social studies.

  50. Minecraft can help you build shelters and make other things to survive. In your inventory you can use tools to build houses and blocks to actually make the house. In social studies we learned that the modern humans had to create tools and build there own house by themselves. Thats how Minecraft and what we have learned in social studies have a lot of things in common.

  51. Minecraft and Social Studies??? Has Mr. Dunn lost his mind?

    What connections do you see between what you have learned in Social Studies and what you can do in Minecraft?

    ~I think it is related to social studies because in minecraft you have to survive and we leared about some people surviveing like the jews tried to survive the Nazis and it was hard for them too.

  52. I think it is related because minecraft has to do with surviving and suceal studies is surviving like the jews had to survive the nazis

  53. Minecraft and Social Studies have some connections. Minecraft has obstacles you need to face and the hominids and in Ancient Sumer had to face many obstacles. It also has a connection because it was hard to survive in mincraft and it was hard to survive millions of years ago.

  54. Minecraft has a lot in common with social studies. You have to survive in Minecraft.You also had to survive in the olden times in social studies. That is was they in common.

  55. Minecraft has a lot in common with social studies. You have to survive in Minecraft.You also had to survive in the olden times in social studies. That is was the two in common.

  56. 1.In the first stage it was very hard to survive because there were no tools and the people had to eat raw foods but the second stage was better because there was communitations to talk to others and there were tools to cook the food and hunt.
    2.Yes they did get easier because as time pasted by the hominds started talking,inventing,and hunting to survive longer.
    3.The technology advances did affect the hunter and gatherer because then they were able to live long because of the tools like torches,and spears to help them hunt for food and cook it then sometimes to defend them selfs.
    4.The differences between the simulation of minecraft and the reality of early humans' experiences was that the simulation gave us a little bit of stuff to begin with and in the reality the early humans' did not have many lives like in the minecraft simulation.
